Elementary School Library
BUNDLES are the most economic way to purchase. The ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LIBRARY has a total of 18 health education digital programs
(plus 8 free Safety Smart, 8 free Safety Smart en Español, and 4 free Safety Smart Science programs).
*A product license is for 1 Year Per School

The Elementary School Library contains all Kindergarten through 5th Grade programs.
For information on Bundled Programming and bulk licensing please email contact@healthworldeducation.org.
Bullying & Conflict resolution

Students will identify the qualities that make up a good friend and how put-ups and put-downs impact relationships.

In this course, participants will develop an understanding of what causes conflict, as well as healthy and unhealthy responses to it.
General Health

In this course, participants will learn facts about three body systems: digestive, respiratory and circulatory.

In this course, students will be introduced to the five senses: sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste.

In this course, participants will learn ways to stay healthy and prevent illness

In this course, students will learn five specific ways to take care of their body systems
Human growth & development

In this course, participants will explore the onset of puberty and learn how it is triggered and regulated by the pituitary gland in the endocrine system.

In this course, participants will explore the onset of puberty and learn how it is triggered and regulated by the pituitary gland in the endocrine system.

Participants will discover the miracle of life from conception to birth and explore the onset of puberty and how it is triggered and regulated by the endocrine system.

Participants will explore the onset of puberty. The “Plus” course has an added component about fertilization of an egg cell, as well as the process of human development from conception to birth.

Participants will explore the onset of puberty. The “Plus” course has an added component about fertilization of an egg cell, as well as the process of human development from conception to birth.

Participants will learn key concepts of nutrition and exercise with the goal of recognizing that healthy habits are essential to maintaining a healthy body.

In this course, participants will learn facts about nutrition, including the concept and use of MyPlate and the importance of eating from a variety of foods in moderation each day.
Sexual abuse prevention

The Keeping Kids Safe: An Erin’s Law Program teaches students in grades K-2, age-appropriate sexual abuse prevention and personal body safety education.

The Keeping Kids Safe: An Erin’s Law Program teaches students in grades 3-5, age-appropriate sexual abuse prevention and personal body safety education.
Social & Emotional health
Substance abuse

In this course, students will be provided with the facts about four gateway drugs: tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, and inhalants.