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Free At-home Learning Resources

Julie Reeve

If you're home with elementary or middle school-aged kids, here are some ideas for free lessons that require minimal parent involvement:

Reading/Language Arts: Read a National Geographic Young Explorer Magazine.

Social Studies: Take a virtual museum tour of famous museums around the world.

Health/Science: Pick a video program from Health World's library – we’re offering all of them for free through May 31.

Personal Safety/Appropriate Touch: Equip your kids with information about sexual abuse by sharing one of our 3 sexual abuse prevention programs, designed for 3 age-ranges: k-2; 3-5; and 6-8.

Math: Watch a Kahn Math Academy video.

Art/ SEL: Make a mind jar. (this one requires parental invovlement, but once it's made, kids can use it independently)

Here is a list of livestreamed events (book readings, dance lessons, sketching tutorials, science experiments, puppet shows etc) happening during school closures.

Have questions about any of our programs? Feel free to contact us.


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